We can help you in achieving predictability for your electricity cost whilst meeting your climate goals. Inquire now!
There are many reasons why every manufacturing company should consider how to secure self-sufficiency with energy from renewable sources: customer and shareholder expectations, achieving your own climate goals, budget certainty, and the utilization of tax and legal incentives.
After evaluating your company's distinct consumption patterns and sustainability objectives, we will develop tailored projects specifically for you. To ensure your operations are protected against swings in electricity prices and to ensure you have control over your sustainable energy sources.
When investing into your own solar PV system, your company acquires the facility developed by us – either directly or through a dedicated special purpose entity. If feasible, it is also possible to install the PV system directly on your company premises, provided there is available space, or to consider a solar rooftop installation on the factory or warehouse buildings.
For companies that prefer a light asset approach, we invest in the ownership of PV systems installed on your premises and supply power under long-term off-take arrangements or alternative operating models.
„Solar-as-a-service“ – Lösungen bieten sich für Unternehmen an, die sich langfristig den Bezug von Grünstrom zu planbaren Preisen sichern wollen, ohne eine Eigeninvestition in eine Solaranlage vorzunehmen. Sei es, um den Kapitaleinsatz auf das Kerngeschäft zu fokussieren, oder um sich von „Eigentümerthemen“ frei zu machen. So bleiben Sie flexibel, nutzen Kosteneffizienzen, und reduzieren gleichzeitig ihren CO2-Fußabdruck.
We support companies in acquiring existing assets - from due diligence to taking over the project.
Feel free to reach out to us if your company is considering the acquisition of an existing facility, for example, to mitigate timing or other planning and development risks. We can provide advice on technical and economic assessments and, if desired, assist you in negotiations with the seller.